Welcome to Dokken Dog Supply, Inc. Quality Dog Training Products & Accessories
Let me take this time to say thank you to all of our loyal customers and welcome those new to Dokken Dog Supply, Inc. Since 1995 it has been our privilege to bring to you the very finest in dog training products and accessories the market has to offer. After developing the first Dokken’s DeadFowl Trainer our goal has not wavered: to provide a no-nonsense cost-effective approach to developing products that make each and every aspect of the dog training experience easier, effective and more enjoyable. Our research and development success is the result of over thirty years of dog training at the largest training facility in the upper half of the United States.
After working with thousands of dogs and their owner/handlers you could say that in this case – necessity is the mother-of-all inventions. Our methods and products are proven and have stood the test of time. We depend on the products we develop day-in-day-out in every condition and scenario imaginable to find what doesn’t work and more importantly what does. As the result of those years of experience we are tremendously grateful to have the opportunity to provide you with the best possible dog training products and accessories available.
From all of us at Dokken Dog Supply we appreciate your business.
All the best,
Download our Dokken Dog Supply Product Catalog
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