Dokken Dog Supply, Inc.

Dokken’s Shed Dog Trainer

Dokken’s Shed Dog Products are all North American Shed Hunting Dog Association (NASHDA) endorsed training products.

Please visit our Dealers page.

Antlers may not be exported outside of the United States. Rules and regulations vary by state and may be updated or changed at each state’s discretion. The following states currently prohibit the purchase and sale of antlers: Alabama, California, Delaware, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Utah.

Shed Dog Training DVD

Shed Antlers

Latex Gloves

Plastic Training Antler Scent Filled Base

Hi-Viz Plastic Training Antler Scent Filled Base

Shed Deer Antler Hunting Training Book

Rack Wax

Sportdog Fieldtrainer 425

Rack Wash

Classic Field Bell

Rack Markers

Pro Training Leash

Rack Rope

Rack Washer with Lid

Rack Strap

Rack Washer Lid

Antler Silhouettes

Whistle Lanyard

Pro Training Whistle

Pro Check Cord

Store Locations

Store Locator Map